Congratulations to Jason Lim, a student in our Advanced Robotics Club, for his outstanding achievement in winning both the IEEE Technology for Humanity Award and the Environmental Impact Award for Grade 5-6 in the 2024 Northern New England Invention Convention (NNE-IC). Jason’s dedication, innovation, and commitment to leveraging technology for positive change serve as an inspiration to us all.
Jason’s journey into the world of coding and robotics began with a simple Google search conducted by his mother. Intrigued by the possibilities, he joined KTBYTE’s Advanced Robotics Club, where he immersed himself in the fascinating world of robotics and coding. Under the guidance of our experienced instructors, Jason’s passion and skills flourished.
His journey with KTBYTE has been nothing short of extraordinary. From mastering the intricacies of LEGO Mindstorms to exploring the endless possibilities of Raspberry Pi, Jason’s dedication to learning and innovation has been unwavering. His participation in NNE-IC was a testament to his hard work and dedication, showcasing his ability to translate classroom learning into real-world solutions.

His award-winning project Sortbot is an automatic trash sorting device consisting of a series of servo motors and camera powered by a raspberry pi microcontroller. It is meant to be attached to the top of both a trash and recycling bin. When someone throws something away, the Raspberry Pi camera will identify the object as either trash or recycling using AI. Once the object is identified, the servo motors will be given the task to bring the flap of the bin down, and back up again so that the object can fall into the correct bin.
This invention works by having the Raspberry Pi, a mini computer, use machine learning and deep neural networks to classify the object placed inside. Using that information, the Python code will check whether the object falls into either category of trash or recycling. Once that is determined, the program tells the corresponding servo motor to move the flap of the bin down, and back up again so that the object is deposited in the correct bin.

Jason’s award-winning project truly captured the essence of his dedication and vision. Inspired by the pressing issue of global climate change Jason delved into research, uncovering the connection between climate change and excess waste. His project, born out of a desire to make a difference, aims to raise awareness about global warming and promote responsible waste management. Jason is exciged to bring this project to U.S. Nationals 2024 in June!
As we celebrate Jason’s achievements, we are reminded of the transformative power of education and the boundless potential of young minds. His success serves as a testament to the values of perseverance, innovation, and dedication that we strive to instill in all our students at KTBYTE. We congratulate Jason on his remarkable achievement and look forward to witnessing his continued success as he continues to make a positive impact on the world through technology.