1. Interview with Jackson
Some Key Points:
Jackson is going into 9th grade.
He enjoyed learning about Nodes the most, and programming snake is his favorite project in CS01a.
His tips: “In programming, all the things you find hard in the beginning gets easier (ie. If statements and Loops).
Computer Science improved his understanding of Maths.
In the future, he would like to get a programming job.
His favorite thing about Computer Science is the feeling of accomplishment after working on a long project and finally getting it right.
1. Interview with Andy
Some Key Points:
Andy is going into 10th grade.
His favorite topic is data structures and he enjoys making things rather than playing games that somebody else made.
He thought Functions was hard, but he overcame the difficulties and now finds it very useful.
Andy is placed in USACO Bronze, and participated in a lot of Hackathons. Hackathons are events where people gather in one location to build software and hardware applications in a couple days.
He suggests people check out the Coder on KTBYTE.